Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

Discussion text

      Discussion is a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. The purpose of the discussion test is to consider a problem or issue from many points of view to assist in gaining a more complete understanding of it, so that decision can be made or a solution devised. In its written form the discussion text often forms a part of other more complex genrex, such as an investigation or scientific report. It often occurs after some initial research, in which case it would normally include a reference list. It may also include explanations and descriptions.
      The basic generic structure of the discussion text consists of four parts:

1. Title: A title is included only if the discussion does not form part of a more 
    complex genre.
2. Introduction: The issue or problem of interest is introduced or discussed.
3. Arguments for and against of variety of views: List of supporting points;
    presenting the point in supporting the presented issue. It also consists of
    list of contrastive point; presenting other points which disagree to the
    supporting point.
4. Conclusion: The discussion usually ends with a summing up which may
    include a decision or recommendation.

Language Features of Discussion text are as follows:
@ Using thinking verb; feel, hope, believe, etc
@ Using additive, contrastive, and casual connection; similarly, on the hand,
    however, etc
@ Using modalities; must, should, could, may, etc
@ Using adverbial of manner; deliberately, hopefully, etc

Below the example of discussion text.

National exam in Pros and Cons
            National exam becomes the hot topic in most of discussions. Though the Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by the go-vernment on the organization of the national exams, the controversy over whether it is necessary to maintainthe national exams (UN) has continued. Some debates include the primary questions such as; does the quality of Indonesia education depend on the national exam?, will the quality of the Indonesian education system worsen without natipnal exam?
           People, who support the national exam explain that the quality of the Indonesia education system will drop without the national exam, so they try to defend the current system.
          However there are people who disagree with the opinion. Those who against this national exam kept in our high school education say that it doesn't need the national exams because the quality of education does not just depend on the national exam. Further, the national exam only measures a small portion of students' competence in specific subjects, and does not measure students' competences throughout the semester.
        In fact, the national examination can still be useful as an instrument to evaluate or detect the level of students' cognitive competence in several subjects, on anational scale.

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